Using the One37 Business Studio
The One37 Business Studio is a web-based application that allows you to manage your business network. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing each One37 Business Connector you have deployed, including the ability to create and manage credentials, schemas, and connections. The Business Studio also provides a platform for creating and managing UI templates for credentials, messages, and proof requests.
To access Business Studio, you must first have a business network. If you do not have a business network, you can create one by following the instructions in the Getting Started section of the documentation.
Once you have installed/started the Business Studio application, you can access the interface by navigating to it's URL.
The Business Studio can be operated in two modes:
- Business Management Mode
- Superuser Mode
By default you will be presented the Business Studio home page. The home page contains a directory of all business networks that are managed from this studio instance. Click on the business name you wish to manage.
Business Management Mode
To login as a business manager, navigate to the Business Studio URL and click the Name of the Business in the list that you wish to manage. You will be prompted to enter your business manager credentials. Once you have entered your credentials, click the Sign In
Superuser Mode [ADVANCED]
To login as a superuser, navigate to the Business Studio URL and click the Sign In
link at the top right of the page. You will be prompted to enter your superuser OTP code from your authenticator app. Then click the Submit
The superuser is a special user that can import business networks, manage existing business networks, and manage the Business Studio instance itself.
The initial installation of the Business Studio will configure the superuser account.
In the event that you have lost your authenticator app, you can use the Recovery Code
to login. Enter your recovery code in the Recovery Code
field and click the Submit
Business Management Navigation
The Business Studio navigation menu is located on the left side of the screen. The navigation menu contains the following sections:
Quick Access Menu
The quick access menu is located on the top right of any page of the currently edited business.
It allows one to switch and publish the currently edited configuration and to Logout from the Business Editor. (see Runtime Configurations )
Action Menu
On some pages of the Business Editor the data may appear in tabular form. On each row of these tables there will be an associated Action menu, represented by a 3-dots symbol ⁝
The contents of the menu will depend on the contextual actions available to the data being displayed.